Morning Joe Can’t Stop Laughing At ‘Trainwreck’ James Comer For ‘Losing’ Informant In Biden Probe

Staff Writer

During Monday’s edition of MSNBC’s “Morning Joe,” a panel of political experts ridiculed House Oversight Chair James Comer (R-KY) for claiming on Fox News on Sunday that he has “lost” his key “informant” in his frantic pursuit of dirt on President Joe Biden.

After watching the clip of Comer’s wild claim, the panel reacted with a mixture of incredulity and laughter at Comer’s erratic investigation.

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Host Joe Scarborough sat and chuckled before saying, “So, comrade, you’re telling me you lost another submarine?” in reference Tom Clancy’s “The Hunt for Red October.”

“I mean, come on,” Scarborough continued with a smirk on his face. “You lost an informant? You lost the informant! The guy you claimed gave you all this information, that you built this entire charade on?”

Conservative strategist Charlie Sykes jumped in with another literary reference, adding, “Yeah, the hunt for the great white whale isn’t going well, is it?”

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“It’s never a good thing when you lose your informant,” Sykes added sarcastically. “James Comer has been making one big promise after another. He’s been saying we’re going to have this big bombshell — what’s obvious is he doesn’t have the bombshell, he doesn’t have the smoking gun, he doesn’t have evidence, and he’s lost his informant. This is beyond embarrassing.”

New York Times’ reporter Mara Gay chimed in, saying: “I mean, the interesting thing is, from a disinformation perspective, this was one of the rare moments of lucidity, as Joe said a moment ago, where you see the emperor has no clothes and this is all bunk. This is based on absolutely no real evidence whatsoever. Because, of course, we know that you don’t just miss whistleblowers just don’t go missing suddenly, so it is absurd.”


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