More Than 350 Faith Leaders Nationwide Endorse Biden, Citing ‘Need Of Moral Leadership’ And ‘Hope For Better Future’

Ron Delancer

More than 350 faith leaders across the U.S. endorsed Joe Biden for president late Thursday, citing a “need of moral leadership” and “hope for a better future.” The avalanche of endorsements came as President Donald Trump attacked the Democratic candidate during a dark speech at the RNC convention.

The endorsements include a number of faith leaders who have never politically endorsed before, according to a press release from Faith 2020, which calls the range of names “big tent” and “multi-faith.”

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The more unusual endorsements include Ron Sider, president emeritus of Evangelicals for Social Action, John Phelan, former seminary dean and president of the evangelical North Park Theological Seminary, and the Reverend David Beckmann, who served for nearly 30 years as president of Bread for the World.

“This election presents a stark moral contrast between the common good values of the Biden-Harris agenda and the divisiveness of the current administration,” said Frederick A. Davie, the chair of the board for the coalition, also referring to Biden’s vice presidential running mate Kamala Harris. “I hope you will join us in putting principle over partnership as we support a better way forward.”

It’s unclear if the endorsements will make a dent in the large majority of white evangelical voters who backed President Trump in 2016.

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