Militia Member Pulls Knife, Assaults Vietnam Vet For Peacefully Protesting Proud Boy’s Riot

Ron Delancer

A small demonstration turned violent over the weekend when a member of the Oregon Proud Boys approached a Vietnam veteran holding a banner saying “ANTIFA LOVES YOU” with a heart. A video posted online shows the militia member approaching the site, pulling a knife, and then slashing the sign.

“F*ck Antifa, bro,” the militia yelled, getting on the face of the veteran. “Yeah. F*ck Antifa!” he screamed as the veteran pulled out his phone and began filming.

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“You wanna f*ck with me, bro?” the Proud Boy member said getting more irate. “You wanna f*ck with me?”

He then shoved the veteran who screamed he was being assaulted. A car pulled beside the road and the Proud Boy member started yelling at the car, asking “what are you gonna do, bro?”

“We’re white supremacists! Yes we are!” Chanted a woman off-camera.

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The Proud Boy member continued to pace along the side of the road. He said that he’s an American and attacked the idea of anti-fascism, saying it was unAmerican.

“I don’t need anyone to tell me Black lives matter,” he said.

Watch the video below.

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