Marine Veteran Unleashes On ‘Complacent’ Trump In Scathing Column

Ron Delancer

U.S. Marine Corps veteran Timothy Kudo slammed Donald Trump in a Friday column for The Atlantic, calling him a “complacent commander in chief.”

Kudo specifically went after Trump for putting the lives of service men and women at risk by ignoring Russia’s threats and ignoring his own intelligence.

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“I served under Barack Obama and George W. Bush, and I trusted that both would uphold their end of the bargain with the military: We go into harm’s way, and they wage the war honorably and responsibly. This president is different,” he wrote.

Trump has sent a message to U.S. troops that nobody “has their back,” Kudo said.

“Despite the danger from Taliban fighters and other IEDs, a squad would search the scene to try to collect additional body parts. We didn’t always succeed. One man’s ring finger with his wedding band was never found and returned to his widow. But honoring their sacrifice demanded follow-through and every possible effort to the end,” Kudo wrote.

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“When the president treats the conclusion of this war as unimportant, his behavior squanders whatever honor the men and women currently deployed may yet salvage from this terrible ordeal. They’re risking their life for the same cause as all of us who served: peace. More than 2,300 Americans have been killed in action; in these final moments of the war, we cannot let their sacrifices be in vain.”

You can read the full column HERE.

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