Kayleigh McEnany Slips Up On Fox News, Admits Biden Won The Election

Ron Delancer

During an appearance on Fox News on Sunday, White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany admitted that Donald Trump lost the presidential election, a concession Trump is refusing to make.

McEnany’s slip-up came as she discussed Georgia’s Senate runoff elections in January which will decide control of the Senate.

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“If we lose these two Senate seats,” she said, “guess whose casting the deciding vote in this country for our government? It will be Kamala Harris.”

Trump refuses to concede defeat by Joe Biden, despite losing the electoral college 306-232 and trailing in the popular vote by more than 7m.

But Biden will be inaugurated in Washington on 20 January and Harris will become vice-president.

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If Democrats defeat incumbent Republicans Kelly Loeffler and David Perdue on January 5th, the Senate will be split 50-50. A casting vote from Vice-President Harris will therefore give Democrats a tenuous hold on the chamber to add to control of the House of Representatives and the White House.

“What is paramount is Georgia,” McEnany said. “Right here, right now, making sure that we hold this branch of government.”

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