Kamala Harris Says ‘Yes, I Do’ Think Trump Is a ‘Fascist’

Staff Writer
Vice President Kamala Harris addresses the audience during a Town Hall on CNN. (Photo: CNN)

During a CNN town hall on Wednesday, Vice President Kamala Harris was directly asked by host Anderson Cooper if she believes former President Donald Trump is a “fascist.” She responded affirmatively and expressed her concerns about Trump.

Harris urged undecided voters to consider the opinions of former Generals John Kelly and Mark Milley, both of whom have described Trump in strong terms.

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“Trump has openly admired dictators and said he would be a dictator on day one. The former chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff has said he is a fascist to the core,” Harris said. “So, I think that when the American people reflect, especially those who are undecided, on who you should listen to – don’t take my word for it in fact, go online and listen to John Kelly’a voice – talking about what he thinks of Donald Trump two weeks before the election.”

She added: “Because I think we all know, to your point, Anderson, it is close, but there are undecided voters who clearly, by being here, have an open mind, want to talk in a way that is grounded in issues and fact, and when they hear these facts, I think it compels a lot of people to be concerned about the future of our country with Donald Trump at the lead.

Addressing voters in Pennsylvania, she emphasized the importance of reflecting on these facts, especially for those still unsure about their choices. “When they hear these facts, I think it compels a lot of people to be concerned about the future of our country with Donald Trump at the lead,” she said.

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When Cooper pointed out Milley’s label of Trump as a “fascist” and asked Harris if she shares that view, she responded firmly, “Yes, I do. Yes, I do.” She stressed that the insights of respected military leaders should not be dismissed, highlighting their extensive careers in national security and leadership.

Harris concluded by reinforcing the need for voters to pay attention to credible voices as they make their decisions in the upcoming election.

Watch the clip below via CNN:

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