Joe Scarborough Rips Republicans For Trying To Turn Russian Atrocities In Ukraine Into a ‘Political Hit Job’ Against Biden

Ron Delancer

During Thursday’s installment of MSNBC’s “Morning Joe”, GOP lawmakers became the target of harsh criticism for trying to turn Vladimir Putin’s invasion of Ukraine into a political hit job against Joe Biden and for pushing “World War III” to make the president look bad ahead of the midterms.

As Russia continues its atrocities in Ukraine, Senate Republicans are rushing to television cameras and social media to complain that President Biden has not done enough to help Ukraine, or is being too slow to respond to the humanitarian crisis created by Russia.

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In response, MSNBC host Joe Scarborough scolded the GOP brass for ignoring the fact that Biden is trying to avoid direct conflict with Russia, which could set off a major war with possible nuclear consequences.

Scarborough began by saying: “We need to be willing to offer that off-ramp, we need to keep, as you said, we need to keep the gas on, step on the gas. I will say, though, and I have tried very hard not to bring politics into this at all over the past several weeks. I have been trumpeting the bipartisanship.”

He then unloaded on Republicans for attempting to score political points out of the Ukraine crisis.

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“I’m not going to name any names because, actually, I don’t even want to dignify their remarks,” Scarborough said. “But there are some Republicans, some Republican senators out there who are trying to turn it into a political hit job against Joe Biden, and they’re pushing him to do things that would trigger World War III.”

“It is so reckless,” he added. “They’re pushing him not only to do things that could trigger World War III that they would never do if they were sitting in the White House, but they’re also pushing him to do things that would get the United States so far ahead of our allies that there would be a split between the United States and NATO.”

“Joe Biden, say what you will about Joe Biden in Afghanistan. We were critical of Joe Biden in Afghanistan. Joe Biden has paced this extraordinarily well,” Scarborough concluded.
Watch the segment below:

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