GOP Operative Abandons Party He Helped Build, Regrets Ever Being Involved

Ron Delancer

Stuart Stevens, who was once one of the most influential operatives in GOP politics, appeared on The Ezra Klein Show on Monday where he admitted his regret of ever taking part in the GOOP.

Stevens was Mitt Romney’s top strategist in 2012, and served in key roles on both of George W. Bush’s presidential campaigns. He also worked on dozens of other congressional and gubernatorial campaigns.

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On Monday, Stevens said he was ready to leave the party that nominated Donald Trump. But according to the former Republican, the Trump Presidency didn’t change the GOP.

“Most dissidents from Trumpism take a familiar line: They didn’t leave the Republican Party, the Republican Party left them. But for Stevens, Trump forced a more fundamental rethinking: The problem, he believes, is not that the GOP became something it wasn’t; it’s that many of those within it — including him — failed to see what it actually was,” Klein writes. “In Stevens’s new book, It Was All a Lie, he delivers a searing indictment of the party he helped build, and his role in it.”

You can listen to his full interview below.

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