Fox News Host Compares Trump To a ‘War Hero’ Fox Exposing Himself To COVID-19 ‘For Us’

Ron Delancer

Fox News host Greg Gutfeld on Friday compared President Donald Trump to a war hero, saying Trump got the coronavirus because “put himself on the line” and “was doing it for us.”

The president announced on Friday that he and First Lady Melania Trump had tested positive for COVID-19. He was flown to the Walter Reed hospital for monitoring and treatment later in the day.

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Several Trump allies have tested positive since, and the diagnosis has raised a raft of questions about November’s presidential election as well as Trump’s own health, given he is over 70 and obese.

But host Gutfeld put a heroic spin on the events while speaking on Fox News’ “The Five” talk show on Friday, after Trump’s trip to the hospital was announced and while Fox News aired footage of the helicopter waiting for his departure.

Gutfeld said that Trump was infected because he wanted to “walk out there on that battlefield” with Americans.

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“He was going to walk out there on that battlefield with you, and not sit somewhere in a basement and tell you how you’ve got to get back to work, but not go out himself,” he said.

“So, I think he put himself on the line —and the flaw being that as an optimist, as somebody who is trying to convey a message that we are going to get through this, and things are going to be better — he had to walk that walk, he had to do that,” he continued.

“He could’ve scared the crap out of everybody, but he refused—and it goes back to his original point about trying to make sure that the positive attitude is maintained, along with a sense of concern. So he took the risk, he got the virus, but he was doing it for us.”

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But co-host Juan Williams pointed out that Trump had repeatedly broken coronavirus health guidelines and had said that “this was going to disappear magically.”


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