Trump Denies He Suffered ‘Mini-Strokes’, Suggests Report Was Referring To Biden

Ron Delancer

President Trump on Tuesday denied that he made an emergency visit to the hospital last year after suffering “a series of mini-strokes” after a new book claimed that Vice President Pence was on standby in the event Trump was incapacitated.

The president’s denial raised eyebrows, as the book from New York Times correspondent Michael Schmidt did not specifically state that Trump had suffered from a series of small strokes.

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“It never ends! Now they are trying to say that your favorite President, me, went to Walter Reed Medical Center, having suffered a series of mini-strokes. Never happened to THIS candidate – FAKE NEWS,” Trump tweeted, before insinuating that the media was probably referring to Democratic nominee Joe Biden. “Perhaps they are referring to another candidate from another Party!”

Schmidt reported in his new book that Pence was told to be on standby to assume presidential powers last November in the event the president had to be anesthetized during a previously unscheduled visit to Walter Reed Medical Center.

Trump lashed out at the media over the speculation brought on by the Walter Reed visit last November, calling the reporting “dangerous.”

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He also has spent an extended period of time defending an incident at West Point where he appeared to struggle to raise a water glass to his mouth and later haltingly walked down a ramp.

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