Cops Involved In George Floyd’s Death Could Be Back In Uniform As Police Union Attempts To Get Their Jobs Back: Report

Ron Delancer

According to a new report by NBC News, a police union in Minneapolis, Minnesota, is attempting to put the fired police officers who were involved in the killing of George Floyd back in the force.

According to the report, Lt. Bob Kroll, who runs the Minneapolis Police Federation, has signaled that he would like the firing of the men investigated, claiming that “they were fired without due process.”

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“Kroll’s union has had great success in getting police officer terminations reversed — by appealing them to arbitrators,” reported Rich Schapiro. “Since 2006, eight Minneapolis police firings have been decided by arbitrators and all but two resulted in the officers getting their jobs back, according to an NBC News review of records from the Minnesota Bureau of Mediation Services.”

“One officer punched a handcuffed man in the face multiple times, breaking his nose,” continued the report. “Another pleaded guilty to a misdemeanor charge stemming from an altercation with his wife. “A third, Jason Andersen, was fired, reinstated, then fired again after a new incident of allegedly kicking a teenager in the head. That still didn’t end Andersen’s career — an arbitrator went on to reinstate him for a second time.”

As the report notes, “In Minnesota, as in many other states, members of public employee unions have the right to appeal any form of discipline to binding arbitration.”

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You can read the full report HERE.

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