Bomb Squad Called To Hospital After Man Shows Up At Emergency Room With WWI Shell Stuck In His Anus

Ron Delancer

A hospital in France went into panic mode after an 88-year-old man showed up at the emergency room of Sainte Musse hospital in Toulon with a First World War shell stuck in his anus, prompting a partial evacuation of the premises, local news outlet Var-Matin reports.

The octogenarian claimed to have found this shell 18 cm long by 9 cm wide at his brother’s house, according to police.

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Upon examining the patient, the hospital management organized a partial evacuation of the hospital to the main hall, with the help of security, a demining team, and the fire department, to handle this almost unbelievable bomb threat.

“We then had to treat our atypical patient, who immediately ensured that the shell was demilitarized”, one of the hospital staff members told the Var-Matin newspaper.

According to the report, the bomb squad quickly eliminated any risk of explosion after confirming the shell was a “collectible”.

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The surgery team then swung into action, performing a visceral operation to retrieve the object through the abdomen. A witness reports to Var-Matin that the patient came out “in good health”.

The report did not say how the massive munition ended up in the man’s anus.

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