Bob Woodward Just Dropped A Series Of New Bombshells On Trump, Who Berated U.S. Generals As a ‘Bunch Of P*ssies’

Ron Delancer

Washington Post reporter Bob Woodward’s new book is coming out next week — and the leaked excerpts in it contain multiple damaging bombshells for President Donald Trump, including that Trump slammed U.S. generals as ‘a bunch of p*ssies” for protecting the country’s alliance with other nations.

Some of the most damning details of Woodward’s new book include the president’s handling of the novel coronavirus to his relationship with the American military to his strange affection for North Korean dictator Kim Jong-un.

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Read some of the revelations below:

1.) Trump said that he knew the novel coronavirus was five times more deadly than the seasonal flu — then admitted to playing it down in public.

Audio recordings show that Trump told Woodward in early February that COVID-19 spread through the air and was much more deadly than the flu. Despite this, he continued to downplay its significance in multiple public statements.

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Just over a month after that, Trump admitted to Woodward that he deliberately downplayed the virus because he didn’t want to create a “panic.”

“I wanted to always play it down,” Trump said on March 19th, shortly after he declared a national emergency. “I still like playing it down.”

2.) Trump gushes over Kim Jong-un in lurid detail.

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In the book, Trump tells Woodward that he finds the North Korean dictator to be “far beyond smart,” while also boasting that Kim “tells me everything,” including a detailed account of how he killed his own uncle.

The president also cited Kim to disparage former President Barack Obama, whom Kim reportedly described as an “assh*le.”

3.) Trump ranted about his own generals being “p*ssies.”

The president was apparently unhappy with the way that America’s military brass placed a premium on maintaining the country’s alliances with other nations, which the president said constrained his ability to cut trade deals.

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“My f*cking generals are a bunch of p*ssies,” the president ranted. “They care more about their alliances than they do about trade deals.”

4.) Trump’s own former Director of National Intelligence suspected that the president may have been blackmailed by Russia.

Former DNI Dan Coats found himself puzzled by the president’s adoration of Russian President Vladimir Putin and came to believe that the only plausible explanation was some form of blackmail.

“[Coats] continued to harbor the secret belief, one that had grown rather than lessened, although unsupported by intelligence proof, that Putin had something on Trump,” Woodward wrote. “How else to explain the president’s behavior? Coats could see no other explanation.”

5.) Trump brushed off centuries worth of oppression against Black Americans by boasting about the low unemployment level before the pandemic hit.

In June, in the middle of national protests against the police killing of George Floyd in Minneapolis, Woodward asked Trump if he felt the need to understand the experience of being Black in the United States.

“No,” Trump replied. “You really drank the Kool-Aid, didn’t you? Just listen to you. Wow. No, I don’t feel that at all.”

Woodward pressed Trump about this by recounting the history of Black people in America, but the president refused to hear it and instead called Black Americans ungrateful of his supposed efforts to get them jobs.

“I’ve done a tremendous amount for the Black community,” he told Woodward. “And, honestly, I’m not feeling any love.”

H/T: Raw Story.

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