Anti-Trump GOP Group Launches New Ad Bashing Trump As He Gets Played For Millions By His Campaign Manager: Watch

Ron Delancer

The Lincoln Project, a group started by anti-Trump Republicans with the sole purpose of getting Donald Trump out of the White House, released a new ad this week that trolls the president for letting campaign chief Brad Parscale get rich at his expense.

“Brad is getting rich. How rich? Really rich,” the ad begins and then goes on to list all of the things Parscale has bought with the money he’s made from running Trump’s campaign.

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“Don’t tell Donald — he’d wonder how Brad can afford so much,” the ad continues. “A $2.4 million waterfront house in Fort Lauderdale. Two Florida condos worth almost $1 million each. He even has his very own yacht, a gorgeous Ferrari, a sleek Range Rover.”

The ad then informs viewers that Parscale even “brags about using private jets.”

Take a look at the ad below:

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