Ann Coulter Says She’s ‘Glad’ Trump Lost: ‘A Second Term Of Trump Would Have Killed Us’

Ron Delancer

A recent report from the right-wing site Breitbart revealed that far-right conservative Ann Coulter told a crowd of college students that she was happy to see Donald Trump lose the election.

According to the report, Coulter spoke at the University of Texas at Austin on Thursday night and lashed out at the president.

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Calling the election results the “best of all possible worlds,” the conservative gadfly reportedly told the crowd, “The reason I’m very happy that [President] Trump lost – and lost narrowly – is that a second term of Trump would have killed us. What we want, and what I think we can get in four years, is Trumpism without Trump.”

Continuing in that vein, she added, “We have to take care of our own first. That’s Trumpism. And it hasn’t been tried. It certainly hasn’t triumphed. [W]ith Trump … He’d say these wild things that we’d get blamed for, he’d get attacked on, and then actually did nothing. Trump thinks, ‘I tweeted it. Therefore, it’s done’.”

“Talking about it isn’t the same as doing it,” she added. “Much like as he tweeted out, ‘Law and Order,’ and yet cities are still burning across the nation. [He] didn’t do anything about it. It’s like he didn’t know he was president.”

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