‘All Roads With You Lead To Russia’: Pelosi Slammed Trump To His Face For Giving Ukraine, Syria To Putin: Book

Ron Delancer

A new book by former White House press secretary Stephanie Grisham describes a reportedly explosive October 2019 meeting among then-President Donald Trump, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and now-Senate Majority Leader Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.).

In her book, Grisham writes that the meeting at the White House, originally intended to focus on the response to Turkey as it carried out an offensive in northern Syria, quickly blew up as Trump clashed with Pelosi and Schumer.

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“Things got tense quickly,” Grisham said of the face-to-face, which she said she was in the room for.

“At one point, Pelosi stood up and pointed at the president. ‘All roads with you lead to Russia,’ she snapped. ‘You gave Russia Ukraine and Syria.'”

Grisham wrote that the 45th president “looked annoyed” before he shot back at Pelosi, calling her “a third-rate politician”

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“Pelosi went ballistic in my opinion,” wrote Grisham.

Pelosi later said Trump had a “very serious meltdown” at the meeting, while Trump slammed her as “unhinged.”

Grisham acknowledged, “I will say, though, that Trump could bring out the worst in people too.”

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Trump blasted Grisham as her book hit shelves this week, saying his ex-White House aide had “big problems” and was getting paid “by a radical left-leaning publisher to say bad and untrue things.”

Meanwhile, Pelosi spokesman Drew Hammill said Grisham’s version of events “never happened.”

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