Adam Kinzinger Responds To Marjorie Taylor Green’s Attack Over Infrastructure Bill Vote

Ron Delancer

GOP Rep. Adam Kinzingeron Saturday mocked Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) after she had a wild meltdown, attacking her GOP House colleagues for voting for a massive infrastructure package that will soon be signed by President Joe Biden.

Following the House vote, Greene lashed out at thirteen Republicans who joined Democrats to pass the much-needed legislation to improve the US crumbling roads and bridges, referring to the bill as “communism.”

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“Republicans who hand over their voting card to Nancy Pelosi to pass Biden’s Communist takeover of America will feel the anger of the GOP voter,” Greene tweeted before calling them “traitors” and listing their names and their phone numbers to their Congressional offices.

In his response to Greene, Kinzinger also brought up her previous freakout over “Jewish space lasers.”

“Infrastructure=communism is a new one. Eisenhower’s interstate system should be torn up or else the commies will be able to conveniently drive! Red Dawn in real life.”

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He added: “Also I’m assuming that the ‘Republicans’ being in quotes implies that if you don’t believe in Jewish space lasers, and believe in roads, you aren’t a real Republican”

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