Adam Kinzinger Endorses Biden, Trashes ‘Whiny Weak’ Trump In Brutal Takedown

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Former U.S. Rep. Adam Kinzinger. Photo: Archive)

Former Republican Congressman Adam Kinzinger didn’t hold back in his recent interview on CNN, where he delivered a scorching critique of former President Donald Trump and endorsed Joe Biden for re-election. Kinzinger, known for his military background and outspoken criticism of Trump, minced no words as he highlighted the dangers he believes Trump poses to American democracy.

“I’ve seen firsthand the damage Donald Trump has inflicted on our country,” Kinzinger declared. “I think it’s really important for people to understand, particularly the 20 percent of, let’s just call them the 20 percent of Haley voters, for them to understand that this is a stark choice. This isn’t just who do I agree with more on certain issues. I actually don’t even really know where Donald Trump stands on many issues. But this is about, does democracy survive the way we love it, or does it not?”

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“I lived through January 6,” he added. “I didn’t watch it on TV. I was there, and I have a two-and-a-half year-old kid that I do not want raised in a country where things like that are okay to happen. So for me, it’s just we’ve got to put decency above maybe political differences, and it’s just the right thing to do.”

Speaking to anchor Kate Bolduan, Kinzinger emphasized the gravity of his decision to endorse a Democrat, describing it as a necessary step to prioritize decency over political differences.

“I lived through January 6. I didn’t watch it on TV,” he asserted. “I was there, and I have a two-and-a-half year-old kid that I do not want raised in a country where things like that are okay to happen. So for me, it’s just we’ve got to put decency above maybe political differences, and it’s just the right thing to do.”

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When asked about his internal struggle over the endorsement, Kinzinger was resolute.

“I mean, I guess I wrestled to the extent of like, okay, you endorsing a Democrat as a Republican is a big deal,” said Kinzinger. “But to me it wasn’t much of a — I didn’t have to look in the mirror and look into my soul or anything like that. I have spent the last few years on a committee, the last couple of years in Congress, looking at the direct link between Donald Trump and what happened on that terrible day. And I hear the acidity, the acrimony that comes out of, you know, many people who are supporting Donald Trump and some of the people around Donald Trump, because he’s created a culture of, just, anger and division.”

Reflecting on Trump’s leadership style, Kinzinger didn’t mince words, blasting Trump as a weak, whiny figure who can’t handle criticism without lashing out.

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Kinzinger’s endorsement marks a significant moment in American politics, underscoring the deep divisions within the Republican Party and the stakes of the upcoming election.
Watch the segment below for Kinzinger’s full remarks on CNN:

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