Ex-US Attorney Warns Barr’s Attempt To Get Rid Of SDNY Prosecutor Will ‘Come Back To Bite Trump’

Ron Delancer

Two things happened on Friday night. One: Attorney General William Barr announced that Southern District of New York prosecutor Geoffrey Berman was stepping down from his post. And two: Berman responded by saying that is a lie.

On Saturday morning, former U.S. Attorney Joyce Vance appeared on MSNBC’s “AM Joy” to talk about the “unprecedented” events.

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According to Vance, Barr overplayed his hand.

“So it’s absolutely unprecedented, Joy,” Vance told host Joy Reid. “You know, Berman was court-appointed, because they never put him up for Senate confirmation and that frankly may come back to bite the president here. But what we should keep in mind, is how unusual the announcement itself was. I can’t remember a U.S.Attorney, ever announcing a resignation, at 9:00 p.m. on a Friday night.”

“Barr tried to sneak this in under cover of dark and then the U.S.Attorney for the Southern District of New York turned around, and called him out as a liar on Twitter, of all places, so we’re in uncharted territory here,” she added.

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Take a look at the video clip below:

RELATED: Did U.S. Attorney Geoffrey Berman Uncover Damaging Information About Trump That Bill Barr Is Trying To Cover Up?

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